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Confused about ‘what’s wrong with India’ posts on X? Here is what it’s all about

While scrolling through X, did you come across satirical posts with the phrase “What’s wrong with India”? This phrase is among the top trends on the platform since morning today. Netizens are sharing various posts using this phrase. In fact, the official handle of MyGovIndia has joined in too. But what is it all about?
Disparaging posts from foreigners with the phrase ‘What’s wrong with India’ started going viral a few day ago, where they shared videos and pictures about issues in the country related to public hygiene, poverty, criminal activities, and more. As some netizens claimed, those posts received unusual traction, and people blamed X’s algorithm for it.
Many social media users criticised this trend and started a counter-trend by posting sarcastic tweets using the exact phrase. The twist is that these posts highlight similar issues faced by other Western or developed countries. A few also started sharing visuals that show India’s progress in different sectors. Taking the opportunity, some shared memes too.
The official handle MyGovIndia wrote, “What’s wrong with India?” and shared screenshots of news headlines. While a headline by Hindustan Times reads, “India has almost wiped out extreme poverty”, another by CNBC reads, “India becomes first country to touchdown on moon’s south pole region”.
Though many Indian users blamed X’s algorithm for the initial traction involving the phrase “what’s wrong with India”, it is unclear what started it all. Indian X users, however, hijacked the trend to make it work in their favour.
